
Dental Sleep Medicine for Children

At Urban Smiles Dentistry we believe helping children start life with a good airway and good sleep is such a critical step in their development, not only to benefit them right now but also make sure they are set up for lifetime of good health.

So many problems are linked to poor sleep and kids are no exception. Even at an early age they are prone to the underdevelopment of their jaws and oral cavity. The good news is children are in the developmental phase of their life and have an excellent response to the treatment which guides their anatomy and opens up their airway.

Most children may not yet have a clinical diagnosis of sleep apnea, but the prevalence of poor sleep is staggering. Statistics indicate that over 40 million children may be affected, with many showing symptoms of sleep-related breathing issues. If left untreated, these disorders can significantly impact their overall health, growth, and development.

Does your child have any of these symptoms?

  • Bed Wetting
  • Chronic Allergies
  • Dark Circles Under the Eyes
  • Snoring
  • Irritability
  • Chronic Ear Infections
  • Swollen Adenoids and Tonsils

  • Daytime Drowsiness
  • Nightmares/Night Terrors
  • Aggressive Behaviors
  • Problems at School
  • Restless Sleep
  • Frequent Headaches
  • Delayed Growth and Development
  • Crowded and Crooked Teeth

All of these are linked to poor sleep.
Dr. Miller specializes in diagnosing the underdevelopment of the jaw and its impact on sleep-related breathing disorders in children, providing non-surgical treatments that yield both immediate and long-term benefits. Many children who struggle in school or exhibit symptoms of sleep issues can experience significant improvements shortly after beginning treatment—often within just a month. These positive changes are largely attributed to the child finally receiving quality sleep at night, enhancing their overall well-being.

As treatment progresses, the positive development in children becomes evident, with many experiencing enhanced behavior and overall emotional well-being. In numerous cases, parents were advised to consider medication for behavioral issues, only to find that once their child began getting quality sleep, those issues significantly diminished. Furthermore, children who achieve proper jaw development have ample space for all their teeth, including wisdom teeth, potentially eliminating the need for braces. The human body is designed to accommodate a full set of teeth, and proper jaw formation facilitates this natural process.

Our children are so important, and as parents, one of our primary goals is to give them every advantage in life. If your child is experiencing any of the symptoms mentioned above, it’s likely they’re not getting the restful sleep they need. Call us today to schedule an evaluation, or sign up for a Patient Education Meeting to learn more about how we can help.

Call today to schedule a consultation! (405) 235-7288